pisco ITALIA
bot. 500 ml
pisco acholado
bot. 500 ml
pisco Negra Criolla
bot. 500 ml
bot. 500 ml
pisco Albilla
bot. 500 ml
pisco Moscatel
bot. 500 ml
pisco Torontel
bot. 500 ml
  • 3 ounces of Pisco BIONDI "Negra Criolla"
  • 1 ounce of cane syrup or 3/4 ounces sugar
  • 1 ounce of lemon
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 1/2 egg white
  • Aromatic bitters
PREPARATION Mix the egg white with the sugar or cane syrup well in a blender or mixer. Then add the ice and Pisco BIONDI Negra Criolla. Beat them well and serve in "kero" type glasses or large glasses. Add a few drops of aromatic bitters when serving.